Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cassie'nin Hikayesi - Cassie's Story

Cassie SHKD barınağında çalışan Hüseyin'in evinin bulunduğu sokakta doğmuş. Yine aynı sokaktaki marangoz tarafından sahiplenilmiş, evde degil de işyerinde bakılan-takılan- bir köpek olarak. Neredeyse adamın çırağı gibi her işe birlikte gider gelirlermiş, adamın arabasıyla. Sonra marangoz kanser olmuş, bir bacağı kesilmiş, dükkana gelemez olmuş, daha sonra da ölmüş.  Dükkanı oğulları devralmış, Cassie'yi de- o zamanki ismi Metis- ihmal etmişler, hiç ilgilenmez olmuşlar.
Huseyin dayanamayıp barınağa getirmişti. Ortada takılan köpeklerdendi, insanlarla iliskisi iyiydi. Ama ilginç bir huyu vardı, her gelen arabaya ne yapıp edip biniyor, indirmek zor oluyordu.
Bir gün barınağa bir kadın küçük kızıyla birlikte geldi. Cassie'yi sahiplenmek istediler. Kemerburgaz'da oturan hali vakti yerinde bir aileydi. Türkiye'de barınaktan kopek sahiplenmek pek rastlanan bir şey değildi.  Iyi bakarlar diye verdik. Altı ay sonra geri getirdiler. Sebep: küçük kıza sürtünüp yere düşürüyormuş. Hüseyin anlattı, geri getirdiklerinde arabadan bir türlü inmek istememiş, kadın çekiştirerek zorla indirmiş.
Hollanda icin sahiplendirme listesine koyduk onu. Kısa sürede birisi çıktı. Ne ilginç bir tesadüf ki yeni sahibi de marangozdu.
Gecen hafta  Cassie'yi evinde ziyaret ettim.   Aynı eski sahibi ile olduğu gibi işe birlikte gidiyorlar, sık sık Fransa'ya seyahat ediyorlarmis arabayla. Cassie'nin araba tutkusu devam ettigi icin sahibi bahçedeki arabasının kapısını hep açık bıraktığını söyledi. Istediği zaman gidip oturuyormuş.
Cassie once beni tanımadı. Sonra ilk sahibinin çağırdığı isimle cağırdım, "Metis" dedim, çok heyecanlandı, hatırladı.

Cassie was born in the street where one of SHKD workers, Huseyin  lives. He was  adopted by a carpenter who had a shop at the same street. The man didn't take him home but  looked after him at his shop. He was like the man's assistant, going to every job appointment together with him by his car. Then the carpenter had cancer and he had one leg amputated and he couldn't come to the shop any more and soon he died. The sons took over the job but completely neglected Cassie, his name being Metis then.
Huseyin was sorry for Metis and took him to SHKD shelter. He was one of the dogs that lived in the free area, so had maximum human contact. He was very good with humans. He had an interesting habit of getting in any car that came to the shelter. It was difficult to get him off again.
Then one day a lady and her small girl came to the shelter to adopt a dog. They chose Cassie.  They were a rich family and it was very rare for a family to come and adopt a dog from a shelter in Turkey. We gave him to this family hoping him to have a good life.  They brought Cassie back after six months. The reason was that he was rubbing himself against the little girl and making her fall. Cassie didn't want to get off the car, the woman had to drag him out.
We put Cassie on the rehoming list for Holland. He was adopted in a short time. It was interesting that his new owner was also a carpenter. 
I visited Cassie at his home last week. The new owner was taking Cassie together   with him to work  like his first owner did. They were driving to France often. He said that Cassie's attraction towards cars continue. He left the door of his van open in the garden for him to get in and sit whenever he wanted.
Cassie couldn't recognize me at first. Then I called him by the name his first owner called him, I said" Metis". He was very excited. He  remembered.

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